Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11/16 Westar Energy Blog

    Westar Energy Blog    
Westar crews in New England wrap up work, head home
November 10, 2011 at 4:17 PM

Westar crews were released today to begin their journey back to Kansas.  Crews have been gone since October 31.

On Nov. 7, crews moved from helping Western Massachusetts Electric to assisting Connecticut Light and Power.

Every storm restoration presents its own challenges, and this effort was no exception. Crews were challenged by blown tires, hotel arrangements and meal accommodations, to name a few. It’s not easy to make arrangements for 77 people from Kansas to travel to New England and accommodate their stay in less than ideal conditions. A special thank you to crew comfort folks from Westar and from host utility companies for making this happen.

The work that crews perform is rough. In many cases, it's a matter of completely rebuilding the electrical system, as opposed to fixing a single piece of equipment. Working on an unfamiliar electric system, combined with different safety standards, can present unique challenges .  It also presents an opportunity for craft professionals to learn new skills and overcome challenges they may not face day-to-day. They bring that gained knowledge home with them.

Long work hours accompanied by customers who have been without power for an extended period of time can take a toll. Continued focus on safety is imperative. At the end of the day, the thank yous and praise from the host utility company and its customers go a long way to keep crews in good spirits. As a Kansan, it’s reassuring to know that if or when our time comes to go through a similar situation, we have brothers and sisters in the electric utility industry that will be there to help us get the lights back on as safely and quickly as possible.

Thank you to all the Northeast Utility customers who have expressed gratitude to Westar employees. We’re shamelessly proud of the men and women who were given the opportunity to help get your life back to normal.

For a few more photos, visit us on Facebook.

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